Kit woke up with a start, his cell phone pinging in the corner of his room. It was only 11pm but Kit wanted an early night. He was due to start surveillance at 4am the next morning.

It was a commercial case. His client, a medium sized distribution business, had been having some stock go missing over the last few months. Generally higher value items, and items that were in demand in various industries.

All Kit Bradley stories are adapted from real P.I. cases, to show you the many ways a private investigator can help. Some details have been changed to protect privacy.

Kit had narrowed down the timeframes of when they were likely being taken, and the list of staff members who had access to them. Over the last few days he had been tailing the lead suspect. He had also discreetly placed a GPS tracker on their vehicle which was a company car. As long as Kit had permission from the owner, which in this case was the company who had hired him, he was allowed to place the tracker.

He had done that at the start of the case. And now that tracker was the one pinging him at 11pm, telling Kit that the subject was going outside of the geofence Kit had set up.

Kit called one of his agents, someone who was closer to the area, and sent him in that direction. Then Kit got dressed and jumped into his car.

The subject entered an industrial area and stopped outside a small storage unit. Kit’s agent arrived just as the roller door went up. He was able to photograph the subject and another two unknown people. They unloaded some boxes from the subject’s company vehicle. There was enough light to see the markings on the boxes. They were the high value items. There were also dozens more in the storage unit. Clearly this had been going on for some time.

Kit arrived in the area, and after discussing with his agent, they both got video and photo evidence of all subjects, the storage unit, and the items inside. Kit then called his client and advised him of the situation.

Then they moved in. The goal wasn’t to apprehend anyone, as private investigators they don’t have the power to do that. But it was to talk to the subject, and recover the stolen items. As soon as they appeared, the two unknown subjects ran to their vehicle and drove away. They would be simple enough to identify later. The subject’s vehicle was blocked in, and Kit identified himself and who he worked for. The subject made no attempt to run, he knew the game was up.

Pretty quickly a manager from the company arrived in a truck to transport the stolen items back to the company. After they were documented and checked, they were on their way back. The interviews and disciplinary process would start later. But in the meantime, the company’s losses were minimised, and the culprit had been found.

And Kit no longer had to get up at 4am the next morning.

Can we help you? If you need a private investigator in NZ contact us on 09 391 1100 or for a chat.

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